Friday, November 30, 2007

This quote taken from Amarilis's paper about wiccian opinions on the meaning of life: "One essential scripture is Doreen Valiente’s “Charge of the Goddess” as it expresses the set of eight virtues that many Wiccans cultivate. “Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.” The essence of the Valiente’s poem is not only that Wiccans value these things, but that they reflect dualism." I found this quote interesting because i find the religions views on dualism to provide insight into their opinions about how life should be lived, and also on the dualistic values on which wiccans live their lives.

This quote, taken from Casey's paper on Hasidic Jeudism offers us an insight into that religions perspectives on the meaning of life; " Hasidism emphasizes four other main points: one, that the Torah is infinite, and man can gain infinite wisdom from it. Two, that there is divine providence: every action is determined by God, every detail is essential to the perfection of the world, and divine purpose is what gives meaning to life."

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